Melia Hotels International

Melia Orlando: Micro-Influencer + Local Traffic Campaign

Melia Orlando: "Calling All Natives" Initiative

Micro-Influencers, Content Engagement and Retargeting

Melia Orlando is a hotel poised right outside Disney World and due to their location, affiliation with a world-class brand, and exceptional amenities, had largely stayed full for the previous 8 years. In late 2020, travel had resumed but international travel was still out of the question. Disney hadn’t reopened, which is primarily why people travel to Orlando. They needed a solution to keep the business coming and to try and retain as much revenue as possible during the down time.

The Plan

The idea was to focus our attention on clients within a 200-mile radius; reminding them of other reasons to visit Orlando, while honing in on their deeper needs and how the hotel satisfied them. In addition, to potential customers within 25 miles radius were targeted to visit for the day, or for the restaurants.

The strategy was simple, but elegant. Utilizing a 3-prong attack of “create. engage. retarget” we:

  • created content, utilized UGC and enlisted influencers
    (based on predefined audience traits and needs)
  • boosted these posts with an engagement optimization within a 200-mile radius
  • used those engagements to craft an “engaged user list” for retargeting purposes
  • then retargeted ALL engagers (and added on a lookalike audience) with dark ads designed to sell some specific features and deals.
  • >25 miles audiences were pitched experiences, events, cleanliness, deals and more types of ads
  • <25 mile audiences were pitched F&B specials, event specials, merch specials.
  • Then we tracked the performance of those dark ads against F&B sales as well as room night sales.

2023 Results

Due to confidentiality, we are limited in the numbers we can show for this campaign. However, it should be noted that this campaign strategy was so successful in driving real money to the one hotel, that our strategy was written into the Global hotel brand’s social guidelines as a best practice to be modeled by all the companies hotels around the world.

If you’re interested in more details about this and other initiatives, we can share more during a live meeting if contact us at: