Choice Hotels

HERtels: Women Hotel Ownership Program

Choice Hotels has long recognized that women have been under-represented in the hotel industry. As far back as 20 years ago, Choice had created a program to help rebalance the scales, but in 2022, they decided to dig deeper on the effort, and to brand it so that it could more readily be marketed and to help it get the traction it so duly deserves.


The challenge was to create a branded look and feel, along with tone of voice that is equal parts feminine and professional, powerful yet approachable and connected to choice yet distinguishable as it’s own brand.


When creating this brand and its accompanying communications, it was important to align it with the Choice brand while retaining it’s own unique look and feel. Also, the client believed it important to portray a femine energy without leaning on traditional cliches.

HERtels: Program Overview
HERtels: Collateral
HERtels: Swag + Giveaways