
NM+U is a global advertising and marketing agency specializing in the franchise and hospitality industries.

We are relentlessly focused on helping our clients achieve their objectives. We offer a full range of branding, marketing, advertising, digital, and social media services delivered by a dedicated team that is unmatched in building relationships.


All creative can be beautiful, but not all can be effective.

We believe that all great marketing starts with strategy. By first understanding the audience; their perspectives, needs, motivations and beliefs. Then, by combining these insights with a deep understanding of how your brand serves them. We steer away from the subjective and toward objective, smartly-crafted messaging; where visuals take on meaning, words gains purpose, marketing strategies reveal themselves, and platform strategies emerge.

How We Work

The NM+U Equation

1. Process + Flexibility

No two projects are ever the same. We approach every project with a plan in mind, but let the research and intuition guide us to find unique solutions every time.

2. Creative + Vision

If it isn’t innovative, it’s outdated. Yesterday’s great idea is tomorrow’s old news. We ideate with tomorrow in mind so that your brand stays ahead of the crowd, not lost in it.

3. Us + You

Collaboration is at the core of who we are. Whether it’s exploring a whim or including you in our brainstorm process… we truly value a “more is more” philosophy.

4. Strategy + Planning

If you build it they will come, not necessarily! Brilliant ideas mean nothing if they aren’t created with goals and a plan for how to achieve them.

5. Ideas + Execution

Having great ideas supported by great plans is only the first step. Execution will determine how brightly those ideas will shine.

6. Research + Reaction

“Set it and forget it” works for rotisserie cookers, not for marketing. We actively manage, monitor, and optimize all campaigns to ensure maximum performance.

Our Experts

Leadership Team

Armando Lopez

Armando Lopez

Jason Holloway

Jason Holloway

Strategic Creative Director
Edita Nudel

Edita Nudel

Account Supervisor
Marilys Caraballo

Marilys Caraballo

Account Supervisor
Madeline K. Asaro

Madeline K. Asaro

Digital Marketing Director
Gabriela Casado

Gabriela Casado

Account Supervisor
Want to see what NM+U can do for your business?

Let’s schedule a quick chat to talk about your goals and how we might help you reach them.